I have one muddlesome room set aside for me only. That’s not quite true, my cat thinks it can write better than me.
About Me
Johnson draws on his unique life experiences in writing his heart-racing tales. In the RAF, Johnson worked with the Gurkha regiment reclaiming Borneo after it had been invaded by Indonesia and, later, chasing pirates in the South China Sea as a navigator with the 1125th Marine Craft Unit. He has been shot at, shipwrecked, in a plane crash, been in a room with a wild leopard that tore the other person apart, and has been involved in many other dangerous scrapes and accidents throughout his life.
In writing the Bill Reyner series, Johnson physically went to the locales to which Bill and company travel, lending to the detail and realism with which his stories are depicted.
I read a great deal, as a writer you have to. One book I read was ‘When Worlds Collide,’ by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Surely he’s a respectable writer. I reached a point in the story that made it silly. A sealed ancient city gushed air when the explorers opened it, BUT, next page describes how the “sealed” city has a smashed dome. Oops. I put it down can’t read a book that makes no sense.
A note by the author.
People often ask me, “How did you come up with William Reyner?” The answer to that question is somewhat difficult. All of life is an experience and it constantly adds to one’s knowledge. I wanted to write a good detective series, not Sherlock Holmes, or even anything like most of the modern stories I’ve read.
For about a year I worked for a security company in Nairobi Kenya, my assistant didn’t speak English at all well. He was tall thin and totally uneducated, but he had the most amazing abilities. He could navigate in almost total darkness and open any locked door as if by magic.
The Angel of the Vail
Investigating the mystery of the sudden and unexplained appearance of three dead bodies on an English moor an intrepid explorer becomes embroiled in the strangest mystery of all times. Lurking in the Valley of the Vail is the deadly answer for all to find.
Without delay the Scot ran into the Vail. All was silent. The sound of clashing swords had gone. Not even a bird whistled. It was a damp and dismal day; fog rolled in over the rocks where the battle had been. There were no bodies, no sign of a fight at all …

the things I’ve experienced!